Corrie and I saw a cool thing the other day that I'm not sure I've seen before.

If you can't tell, that's a dude with his cat hanging out on his backpack. After talking to this gentleman we figured that he was probably passing through, as in has no permamnent lodging, and his cat is like his dog in that it provides company and entertainment.
I've seen people walking cats before, and someone once on the subway with their cat chilling on their lap, which is actually kind of like this guy, but still...
In case you're curious, I ran after the van that ran the guy over on the sidewalk, got his license plate number, and called 911. I told the officers I could pick the guy out from a lineup when they asked, though I never had to.
Two days later, I, the good citizen, was slammed onto the hood of a local police car in my ghetto neighborhood right as school was letting out and illegally searched just because I talked to some of my young black neighbors. The cops, in an unmarked car, thought I was buying pot from the boys. Their search of my person yielded proof of what I had been telling them, that I was just going to the bodega to buy paper towels for dinner.
Only in Brooklyn?
I take it the cat was cool being a piece of shoulder art? I've never known a cat that would be that cool unless under deep anesthetic.. I remember you telling me about chasing that guy down and then being hassled cause you were the "odd" one in the neighborhood... it's a strange world we live in....