Friday, February 13, 2015

Happy Friday the 13th

Turns out this is one of our year's three Friday the 13th's. Because of the nature of the 28-day month and mathematically modular systems, next month will also have a Friday the 13th.

November is the home month of the third Lucky Friday.

I switched to cold water for shaving, seriously contemplated taking feline medicine to Disneyland for recreational purposes, and find myself either too busy or too tired to get to this thing as often as I'd like.

There will be new content here soon-ish, though.


  1. I'm rather curious about the recreational cat med's, but that shouldn't be shocking.

  2. so given your throat cutting exercise.... how is the cold water working out?? and how is that cat doing?

  3. Tux is doing well. His meow is the last thing to return, they said, and that's proving to be true. He's starting to smack around the TERROR too, which we feel is good. Exerting his dominance isn't the worst thing, since the kitten pushes him around a bit.

    Like the haircut, brother. Reporting later.
