Sunday, June 5, 2016

Trash I've Kept

I'm doing my best to reduce my paper waste, trying to end years worth of pack-ratted-ness. It's an ongoing battle.

The other day I found a nifty artifact:

A coupon, sweet? Half-dozen bagels for free when you buy a half dozen? Okay...oh wait, it expires when? APRIL 15th 1997! (Sigh) Also, I have no idea why the Hazel location is circled---Norm and I would have walked over to the Roseville place or the Loehmann's location while caffeinating ourselves had the desire to grab some bagel and shmear grub taken hold.

Maybe the reverse has an answer as to why it remained in my possessions for so long:

Phone numbers for people I don't remember (except Chris Newton) and a doodle of a spiral and curved lines emanating from the center. This type of image I've been obsessed with for decades, so there's that.

Good thing I still have this...

(Also that machine-gunning Eddie and Lou just needed to be shifted down...)

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