Sunday, March 4, 2018

Some More Culture for the Boy

Last October I took my boy over to the MoLAA for a Sunday of culture. It was a great time. We try and do things like that as often as we can. Down the street from us is the Art Exchange, and we make a habit of visiting whenever they have new installations, usually on the way home after dinner out.

A few Friday's ago was one of those nights, and one way I can tell from the photos on my phone is that Cassius's hair is still in the samurai-do/man-bun style that daycare puts it in most days. Here he is studying drum sticks for an interactive wooden xylophone exhibit:

This collection used different household items and recommissioned them into something new that said things (metaphorically). It's art, so, yeah.

One piece (or pieces, as it were) were old 8mm film reels braided into dream catchers:

There was a quite extensive collection of white plastic jugs carved into different styles of houses:

Mounted on a wall were old carousels for photograph slides, but here they were disgorging themselves into fun piles that could be played with:

Those were the kinds of things that were the hardest to remove from the Boy's hands (the slides), but the experience, in aggregate, we're hoping is the real goal: exposing him to and discussing with him (and his pre-speech capabilities) the power, beauty, and importance of fine art.

1 comment:

  1. Such a great idea... and I'm happy he is getting some use out of the bomber jacket.
