Monday, April 27, 2020

Quarantine Notes, AKA, Fleeting Memories of Ephemera

We're all getting along in some way during this pandemic. I used to think it would be novel to experience something like this. Ridiculous in smirking way. The boredom and lack of drive; the need be out, fighting with the need to be safe. Masks! On the streets! Grocery stores become beacons of civilization. Never before have shouts of "Stop touching everything! AND now stop tasting your hands!" ever meant so much.

Before real masks were procured, I looked like a nice boy out on a beautiful day for a train robbery:

Some streets were literally breaking in half with water pouring out of the crack. Quarantine or no, this was a cool observation:

Not doing justice to reality
But under these circumstances, when I leave to either get food, alcohol, or trips to and fro my son's home daycare, this was a major, photo-worthy moment.

Fleeting ephemeral memories are created. My boy putting on my jacket, "I mistar Sherwood. I haffa go to work. I mistar Sherwood..."

One day I got to go back into my zone, properly masked this time:

Won't be getting back anytime soon, but I still need a cord. Oh well. We adapt. Like my son, who got a proper mask as well:

I'll always have the memories of my daughter enjoying the cute baby in the mirror, smiling back at her:

Sometimes you just have to get a little crazy, like, SNES mini, projector, and stairwell CRAZY:

Sons, am I right?

We had a party a while back. Before the disease. Someone gave us a bottle of Vodka. Months pass. Pandemic consigns us to our house. That dusty vodka bottle becomes a new adventure. Why not get some bloody-Mary mix, or lets use mint with the tonic that we already have for our, much preferred, gin. The vodka ran out before the tomato-horseradish mixer did, so Corrie had me get some cheap beer to make micheladas.

And of course I got Steel Reserve. I'm not messing around. This should show how serious I am.

In the end, the best part of a global catastrophe: I get to spend so much more time than expected with my baby girl:


  1. Great post.... and tell me about sons..... LOL but then I didn't have any electronics to worry about.... I loved the coat and the new Mr. Sherwood... you look so good with Camille on the couch....

  2. Agree, this is a great post! I too loved the new mistar Sherwood! Adorable child as he looks over the railing... the masks are cute! Love you guys so much and glad you are all making this new “normal” work for you! Creating great memories!
