Monday, November 9, 2020

"So Much Yucky"

 Each morning is an adventure. Me and the kids get up and have breakfast: the Boy has his cereal or waffle or both, and Baby-girl has her yogurt, waffle, or egg, and in between getting lunch ready for school and making sure everyone is dressed and cleaned up and fed, I get to make my own breakfast.

I've been making what I call "Jacque's Eggs" or maybe "Jacque's Volcano Eggs," named after the venerable Jacque Pepin. They're so easy and delicious and awesome, and because I douse them fairly liberally with my hot-sauce, nobody ever wants a bite:

Two eggs, yolk preserved, in a bowl (this way you don't waste valuable seconds cracking an egg as one cooks). Small non-stick pan, tablespoon of butter, once melted and frothy, pour the eggs in, hit with salt and pepper, and then the magic trick: add about spoonful of water and cover it. It will sizzle up with some ferocity, which is what you should see as yu put the lid on.

The water steams the whites so they'll be totally done. Take a look after one minute. Feel the yolks and pull them when they're where you like them: for me RUNNY. No flipping necessary.

I hit them with hot sauce, then pop the yolks, then hit the yolk again with the sauce. I start my pan with a piece of bread to make toast, then toss in the butter and do the eggs. This takes maybe four minutes, and I leave my plate on the table as it cools and thickens as the other shenanigans transpires.

Cass sneers at it most days, but the other day he said: "Dad, there's so much yucky on your plate."

NO WAY, SON! RUNNY YOLKS AND HOT SAUCE IS MAGIC! The whites being all done is a bonus...

1 comment:

  1. I will second Cassius.... Son... there is too much Yucky on your plate!!
    Yolks should never be runny..... Yuck. I agree

    Kate Mother of Patrick lover of runny yolks....
