Monday, May 10, 2021

Back At It (Again)

I thought I would give a silly name to this post. 

I'm once again reading three books simultaneously, and it feels great. After crushing Opal and Nev, and pondering the Nalo Hopkinson collection, some new arrivals have been combined with a local purchase into a new (for me) trio:

I mentioned that I ordered a few books and them shipped here. This is true. I did not use Amazon. Just wanted to state that. 

Anyway: after viewing the Netflix miniseries, I ordered this copy of The Queen's Gambit. So far the book is difficult to put down, and shows off how true to the book the series was. I thought it would be fine, having seen the show first, so already having in mind specific faces of specific actors chosen to play characters, like it shouldn't be weird...right? Turns out it kinda is. Not bad, just...weird, more weird than I had anticipated.

The middle book there is called Stone Junction. I learned about it from an online community I'm a part of: the introduction is written by Pynchon. So far it's right up my alley: weird, visceral, and Out There.

Big Bang is Bowman's posthumous work. He died in 2012, and this was edited by folks who loved him and knew of its existence. I learned about it from one of my Sunday LA Times book review sections a few years back. It covers the late '50s America through Kennedy's assassination and is written much like a documentary: scene upon scene upon scene with historical pop-culture figures, many scene a fictionalized one, as a whole revolving around some piece of America that died in November of '63. It's good, but...there's no protagonist, no characters to follow and care about.

Is that necessary? It is good...I bought it from a local used bookstore. I try to find things to purchase whenever I visit, and this marked a obvious find, since I've been thinking about buying it since I bought Milkman on my Kindle.

Anyway, Book Nerd in the house!

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