Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Finding the Snow! Finally!

Last weekend we drove for an hour up 605 to 210 to Baseline, the Mt. Baldy staging area. We were headed to Icehouse Canyon park and hike zone. Now that the scene from SNL's "The Californian's" sketch is over, we can move on.

We invited our friend Lauren and her two dogs, and all of us made the drive on just a single car. 

The weather was rainy, cold and windy, but mostly at the parking area, where you're not protected by trees and being surrounded by a canyon.

Snow showed up quickly across the creek that the path followed up, and while very little was on our side, there was enough to play in. Or around, anyway.

In Winter Break back in December in 2021, Cass and I went hiking in the rain at this same location, so I knew what to expect. This time there was actually snow. Check out behind Corrie and Camille below:

Lauren wanted a picture of her holding her yearling puppy, and Cass showed up and got himself into the photo:

He surely seemed to enjoy horsing around in the snow:

Here's a nice establishing shot I took on the way out, with the creek and the snow beyond. This day was WAY more crowded than that December walk Cass and I took, even if this picture is devoid of other folks:

There were light sprinkles here and there along the walk, but none of it really mattered, since the tree cover protected us as we hiked.

I remembered the selfie the first time with Cass wearing the Jameson skully, and took another one, fifteen months later:

We drove for seventy minutes and played in snow! What a marvel of the area, that we could play at the beach then drive for an hour-plus and play in the snow. With all the storms that have been rocking our zone, we'll be able to find snow deep into April in different quite close environs. How awesome!

For some perspective, to quote a Chicago friend of ours, "That's such a Californian thing to say," in reference to being excited to go find snow.

Er, that's us...?

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