Friday, April 7, 2023

Birthday Events

We had a birthday party on Corrie's birthday for her and Camille, who's birthday was the previous day. I got Corrie as a gift tickets for a show: it would be on April 1st, but it would be a date-night, since the kids wouldn't be there. It was "An Evening wth Bill Nye:"

As the days got closer, the event left my memory banks. On random March days I'd freak out and ask myself Wasn't there something I was supposed to do? The answer to that, it turned out, was to arrange a damn babysitter.

After securing the services of our friend Lauren, we set out to make it to the Carpenter Center on LBSU's campus. Sitting front and center, I snapped a few pictures, as they instructed the audience to stash the phones during the evening.

It was a science talk! Bill Nye sat across from the university's shark-lab boss, and the shark-guru had a paper printout of topics to cover, and I got the sense that they hadn't spoken before they emerged one-by-one to their chairs. 

We had a great time, and despite it being our date-night, kids were well-represented in the audience.

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