Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Maybe the system is jacked beyond repair.

Maybe we should start a revolution. Isn't that what all this "Occupy" bullshit's about? Like I said back in a post about the Occupy movement: we (the non-super wealthy) got screwed because the system allows us to get screwed---well, actually, no, it's designed for us to get screwed. That's how it is. Nobody studies or even pays attention to civic politics anymore, and that's how they want it.

Both of America's political parties want politics to be boring and infuriating. That way apathy creeps in, and while some folks may get upset about getting shafted, nobody's really going to get involved or expect it to get better. People simply can't imagine a world where politics is civil and out to do good for the people.

It can change by one of two ways. The first is really hard and takes a large amount of sacrifice, while the second is unimaginably harder and asks for a life-changing kind of sacrifice.

The first way is for people to take time to read up on the laws that are being submitted to vote while also keeping in contact with your elected representatives regularly. Calling them, writing them letters, showing up at their offices. Do you think if you and five of your family members, or friends, or acquaintances, or work buddies who share maybe a similar stance, were to show up at your state senator's office that person would be able to ignore you?

The first method means people must get informed. And that takes a whole lotta effort, believe me. One may think 1) there's not enough time in the day; or 2) that after a long day of work they just want to relax. To that, Method for Change 1 says: 1) turn off the television and get studying; and 2) tough shit.

Look, I'm not saying every day will be grind after grind while relaxation and rest fully evaporate, but that's realistically the kind of work involved in getting really informed and then holding people accountable when the system does the screwing.

The second method is revolution. And here I'm not talking standing-with-a-joint-in-one-hand-and-an-inflammatory-sign-in-the-other-while-chanting-in-unison kind of revolution. I'm talking the real kind.

The "we've devised a radical redistribution of resources" kind. The "time to lockup or technicolor-haircut every CEO from a Fortune 500 company" kind. Storming the castle with pitchforks and torches, baby!

And I'm down. I have ideas for that kind of revolution. What I don't have is an army...or a militia...or even a gun...or an angry mob...or even a country full of people who in their heart of hearts truly wants a revolution.

Is that really what you want? Me, I don't really have anything accept debt and a ton of blogs, so, like I said, I'm down.

And if you ever get your act together, come and get me. (I'm looking at you, you smelly oddly-mustachioed hipsters. The hippies will never fight, but you young hipsters, your world devalues humanity far more than preceding generations...)

So what do we do today? The first step to getting informed is to get involved, and getting involved means voting.


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