Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Under the Knife Anniversary

I missed Saturday's anniversary. Saturday was stressful, but less than last year's June 15th. Today, June 18th, is the anniversary of being kept at the hospital and being cut and opened up and bolted back together. (Cue sound effect)

I was trying to work out my new edition of Robot Crickets by the 15th. That didn't happen, but this Friday may be the day. Those first editions will soon be a thing of the past. I'm not changing too much of the content, but I will for the third edition. That copy will be a bit more serious--at least that's my plans.

The program that I'm doing right now has me writing a ton, and when it's over, it looks like either I, or our entire cohort, will have a tidy little book about education, albeit by wide-eyed novices.

I've got other things coming as well...but you know...all in due time.

I had a thing on Saturday, and so did Corrie, and when I got home she was already here, getting some well-earned unwind-time. I got upstairs and noticed she was watching an animated feature. I heard a familiar voice and saw:

And all I could hear in my head was: "...and tell those dorks at the Kwik-E-Mart that BOOM I am outta here, I'm a dot, I'm gone..."

Now there's a reference puzzle for you...

1 comment:

  1. I had a mini anniversary party for my surgery May 21st.... Cool picture of Hades....

    Glad to hear you are busy.... beats having nothing to do... or so I've been told....
