Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sleeping in the Woods

This past weekend I went to my first professional conference, the CMC-South, held in Palm Springs, and I can say I got plenty out of it. That surprised me, actually. In any case, it was a conference---of math teachers. Lots and lots of math teachers...spooky.

In any case, upon returning home, I was reminded that we were going camping the next weekend. Of course, how could I forget?

Corrie, in her driven way, has made lists of the things we'll be needing to organize to be ready to enjoy ourselves in the Big Siggity. She laughed and said, "I've never planned for a camping trip, and it's more challenging than I thought, you know? We've never gone camping before..."

Before I could say, Really? I think there's photographic evidence pointing to the contrary, she finished her thought, "We've only gone out sleeping in the woods."

I had a good belly laugh and agreed. The trips that we'd embarked upon in the past were far more of the "sleeping in the woods" variety than any planned activity resembling camping.

So, we're trying to crack that pattern. Which means, really, Corrie's trying to break that pattern. I can't even keep the trip in my head.

AND it's to freaking Big Sur! One of this planet's Official Beautiful Places...

1 comment:

  1. remember to pack a bowl and a spoon not a plate and a fork.... and try not to damage your ankle prior to going...
    And have fun.... LOTS of fun.....
