Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Late Nights in the 'Hood

I know I comment on the 'hood from time to time, but at this moment, I'm most certainly not in the 'hood. It is a late night right now, though.

I've gone up to San Luis Obispo to Ryan's to work on a writing project. Seeing as how this story revolves around a facsimile of SLO and how on our trip home from camping I felt the story trying to come back up while we passed through town, the tiny window between returning from the Forest Moon of Endor and Corrie's family reunion in Idaho proved a good time to return to our bucolic college town to do some work.

So, instead of getting to our trip posts before too long (and trying to stretch a little in writing them), I'll be quoting from the "Bart Becomes a Star" episode of the Simpsons:

"The clown show has been put on hiatus for retooling."

'Retooling' isn't exactly accurate, but so what.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update.....hope "The clown show" is doing okay.....
