Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Labor Day in Oklahoma

The strands of ideas flutter from my hand like invisible threads in the wind. The write up of the trip to Upper California (and, briefly, to southern Oregon) has been shelved for the time being. Maybe this weekend (we have four days off!) would have served the perfect time to get that material down, and eventually I may still get to it, but...

...But, as has been planned for some time, Corrie and I will be heading to her family's place in the great plains state of Oklahoma.

My time, as of three weeks ago, has been full of teenagers at work and Corrie's professional excitement at home.

I once posted a congratulatory post about her having passed her first test on her road to gaining her architectural license. Over the course of the past five years, I have lagged on posting those congrats-esque posts, partly because I've been busy, but also largely because THERE ARE SEVEN TESTS AND AN EIGHTH CALIFORNIA SUPPLEMENTAL EXAM. None are free, or free from stress and studying.

Even after she passed her last exam, she had to wait to call herself an architect until her license number was achieved and remitted to her.

And because she's badass and Corrie, within a week of obtaining her license number---officially becoming an architect---she had her first client, her first signed contract, and her first check. It's not humongous, of course, but she's working with a client that has a piece of property in Compton and wants to do a socially responsible project that will start the long process of improving an, until just recently (Thanks Cube and Dre!), largely forgotten city.

We joked that she couldn't have written or even dreamed up a better scenario for her first gig.

Congratulations, baby, you're my inspiration and I'm so very proud of you. I'm pleased beyond words that I've been able to run the background while you finished.

So, now, Labor Day and a trip to Oklahoma are in the works for tomorrow morning. The crunch of the hours left are beginning to sound on my ears. Boarding passes printed; shuttle for 5:30 am (YIKES) booked; Tux's fancy prescription dry food attained; my wards will be ready for tomorrow; and Corrie's off to an evening final exam for one of the classes she's taking for her construction administration certificate (to go along with her architectural license).

Still need to take out the trash, finish the dishes, feed the cats, get their food machine set up for the few upcoming days, and pack. AND pour a stiff gin and tonic...

Happy Labor Day, whenever it really happens...

1 comment:

  1. I hope by now you've had a chance to breathe...... Congrats to Corrie on all she has achieved... and to you for maintaining a supportive presence in the background/foreground as needed.... enjoy the time spent with family.....
