Saturday, August 6, 2016

Opening Ceremonies are Weird

We caught a few minutes of the Rio 2016 Olympic games opening ceremony the other night. Er, last night.

Not the parts where tense and beautiful athletes take a break from the Olympic Village orgies just to walk en masse behind national flags into the stadium---that part I find rather boring.

We saw part of the ceremony itself; the pageantry and show---the "This is the heart of [insert country's name here]."

Cut to commercial.

These always strike me as mildly interesting: they have to be visibly interesting for the ninety-thousand or so people in the host stadium while also being visibly interesting to the television audience.

But they end up being pretty weird.

Also, we only watched for as long as it took NBC to stop TWICE for commercial breaks, which was about six minutes. Thanks NBC.

Cut to commercial.

The part we saw had a set of indigenous characters slowly dancing with the ropes from the raised-floor-line. I joked that it was nice to see so many butts, since they all wore indigenous thong-like outfits.

Corrie responded that she was pretty sure that the official uniform of Brazil is the thong.

Cut to commercial.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you Patrick.... I set the DVR to record the show after the first 15 minutes which had two commercial breaks!! I figured I could watch it recorded and fast forward through the breaks... however the show ran long and I missed most of the teams waking in and the lighting of the flame.... But I did see the equestrian event on USA Network not as many breaks....
