Sunday, March 17, 2019

Happy St. Patrick's 2019

I missed Pi Day posting earlier this week. Bummer. Here are me and Corrie sporting our shirts gifted to us by my mom:

Cass tried wearing his Pi Day shirt all week, except for the day itself, 3/14.

Oh well.

Things have been busy, as usual, and today finds us having gone to the beach already and have since started the salted been dinner (coming up to boil right now). March 17th gives me a reason to wear my bowler all day.

A coworker/buddy of mine had his 40th birthday party last weekend, and he rented a double-decker red party bus and told everyone to wear flannel and dress like a grunge-fan from the 90s.

It was nice to not have to make any decisions and be on the peripheral of someone else's party.

Here's a group shot of us:

And here's the beach earlier today, so bright and warm and blue:

So far in the Southland in 2019, the weather has been wetter than all of 2018 and colder than any time in recorded LA history, and that's not hyperbole: February 2019 has been the first calendar month since they began keeping records in the 1860s in LA that a month did not hit 70 degrees.

LA folks hear that and go WTF? while everyone else hears that and shouts EFF YOU!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

"Awwwww, it's 9 am and I'm not drunk yet!"
----Homer Simpson

1 comment:

  1. I made corn beef... it took me 3 stores to find some but then if you wait till 4 pm on the 17th to look for it... you get what you get... it was a knock of brand and the store wouldn't sell me a single bottle of Guinness so I had to use water...but it was tasty and the cabbage and potatoes were buttery smooth... all and all a good meal.... Happy to hear your did your own corn beef again this year....
    Love to the family....
    grandma k
