Sunday, May 12, 2019

Missing Out on Fish-Tank Accessories

Whoa! I've never had a fish tank, so maybe I should go easy on myself. On a trip to Pet's Smart (so the boy could see a bunch of animals), I realized that I'm woefully behind some of the cool shit people can put into their fish tanks.


What??!? A dragon-monster throttling an octopus?

There were various sunken-ship themed pieces, even a sunken WWII plane:

Of the sunken-ruins themed pieces, this Buddhist-inspired one was my favorite:

It almost makes me want to figure out how to make an aquarium work for us. 

We've got at least a decade before we'll be able to even think about something as serious as an aquarium. But still, it's nice to know that the submerged gear will be very cool.

1 comment:

  1. I know a person who takes some of the aquarium pieces and uses them in Bonsai..... I sent you some pictures... very cool.... but then again yes the stuff you can put in fish tanks AND the things you can not put into ferret (illegal in California) and bird cages is just amazing....
