Thursday, October 29, 2020

Waning Motivation

Early in Mike Judge's movie "Idiocracy," Luke Wilson's being confronted by one of his superior officers. "When sarge says to lead, follow, or get out of the way, I figure it's a good time to just, you know, get out of the way," he defends himself.

His superior scolds, "When he says that he's just trying to get you to lead, or follow at least." Luke Wilson's hapless Joe doesn't want to lose his position in what looks like an evidence locker/basement spot, and pleads, "But I'm good at this."

"At what? Sittin' on ass?"

Sittin' on ass.

This is a phrase that's been running through my brain for MONTHS now. My motivation has been waning.

I still haven't finished my Tux eulogy, two and years on.

I have been painting, and working out some new book projects, along with my novel, but again. 


The days drag. We got a lizard whenever ago. It's super cool, and watching it hunt crickets is like watching Smaug go after horses. But now I have to go buy crickets every week.


What was I saying?

The Dodgers won the World Series! Julio Urias, the great Mexican pitcher who closed out game 6 for the win, had a classic approach to the last batter he faced: fastball; fastball; fastball. I dare you to hit it.

Three pitches, all strikes, and the batter never swung. Game over. World Series over.


I've been going through an Impressionism phase with the painting right now. I've decided to start an art movement. ARE YOU ARRUFFATO? I've been planning revolution also. I've been so disillusioned with the events set to take place next week that I barely give enough of a shit to go vote. We're going to go for fucking Biden no matter what I did. (I voted nonetheless.)

Sogno di un domani arruffato!

That's the tagline of my art movement, but my Italian work-dad has some issues with it; he prefers scapiglialto to arruffato, but I think "arruffato" is easier for American audiences. We're trying to work it out over Zoom. Because...


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