Saturday, March 18, 2023

Something Weird for the Simpsons Fans

It started with a random clip I noticed (and watched the first forty seconds of). It was titled "Steamed Hams but it's French New-Wave". I said to myself, Steamed Hams? Like that tiny scene between Skinner and Chalmers in that "22 Stories" episode? It opens in black and white to accordion music and fancy camera work from other episodes, and settles in, in French, and progresses from there.

Then, a few weeks later I saw another random video titled "Steamed Hams but directed by Tarantino." Again I was like, Really? And again, I watched the first thirty seconds or so, where there's an extended Skinner-the-Cowboy intro scene.

Along the sidebar of Youtube, where they put other videos that are either like the video you're watching or videos you've watched in the past, one was titled "Steamed Hams but every scene is a different animation style."

Is there a cottage industry of Steamed Hams alterations? And why Steamed Hams, of all things? I know it's great and all,, okay?

So, here's a screen capture of my own search engine in Youtube for "steamed hams but," check it out:

There's too much to see here. It's worth some of your time, if you appreciate the Simpsons like I do.

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