Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Our Neighbor, the Valedictorian

Our neighbor, and the kids occasional babysitter, has graded out as a Valedictorian at her high school, Long Beach Wilson High. This past weekend, she got to play with the Long Beach Symphony at a kids-centered animal-fun day. It was the Long Beach Performing Arts Center (technically the Terrace Theater).

She's a maestro on the cello. Her mom, our friend Lisa, told us she got to wear her prom rental dress for the event, so that red gown the seated cello playing above has a little context.

Gais got to play the cello on the piece about Swans, a tiny section of Swan Lake I'd surmise. She was accompanied by a ballet dancer to playt up the drama in the piece.

Later, near the end, they called all of the special guests out to perform for a minute or two. Below, she's waiting her turn as the Aboriginal Americans perform a drum song:

We took the kids down the street and had a great time:

They did great and we felt like they could handle the symphony, or a play, or a musical...or live theater in any sense moving forward.

I love my kids...


  1. That sounds like a lot of fun. Why do they smile for you and I get funny faces???? Or is it you get funny faces but only post the smiles??

  2. Camille is game for a photo-op most often, but with Cass it's a struggle. We eventually get it, but I do take a bunch and post only the useful ones...
