Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Something New from the Sports World

Not so new, really, but new to me. 

Corrie is a member of a service that emails her weekly about discounted tickets to various shows and activities around the City. Using the service over the past few years we've seen Mary Poppins, a wonderful show called Dust, Madame Butterfly, New York City's girls Rollerderby league games, my birthday's rock opera of Beowulf...

A new thing showed up recently...free tickets (with a small service charge) for the New York Sharks ladies tackle football team.

All contact women's professional football? Holy crap, how did I not know about this...

They've been around for ten years (in some cities), and right now the league boasts three tiers and forty-one (41!) teams in the US and Canada.

Both baseball and football's professional male leagues have been slow to understand the fact that women make up a large portion of the fan-base, and only really have begun to court them outside the marketing realm. According to the Independent Women's Football League's (IWFL) website, the numbers show that the amount of ladies who watched the Giants win the Super Bowl in 2008 was double the number of ladies who watched the Academy Awards three weeks later. Double. Maybe that was due to Tom Terrific, but who knows...


  1. Ah to be 30 years younger.... and yes I must admit I've always felt slighted by the advertising of Professional Team Sports.... Just because I have a uterus doesn't mean I'm incapable of understanding the damn game.... just like just because you have testicles you can't do the laundry and ironing.... stupid sexisms....

  2. Well, even though Mom could play (back then I mean... now her writst would keep her from making big plays) is there a SAC team? Don't have time right now to check, but I will later.


  3. Not sure if you've checked yet, Dan, but there IS a Sac team, and they've been winning some championships lately. I think they've captured both the 2006 and 2007 crowns. The Sacramento Sirens, I think they're called...

  4. I'm not so sure about other men, but Kate, you raised my husband right! And I don't tolerate any less. He does the laundry and cooking and cleaning now that he isn't tied down to a job (fortunately and unfortunately), but the ironing - nobody in my house does any ironing!
    We go to more women sporting events than mens - maybe because it's more affordable, but maybe because the ladies give a crap and play their hearts out - and that's always what fans want to see =)!
