Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cleaning Up/Packing Notes

Since we're moving to a new apartment soon, there has been some packing and what-not happening, and earlier today I started organizing some of my paper mess. I found a large stack of cancelled checks dating back to the times when banks would send you you're checks (I don't even get mailed statements anymore) and I started looking through them.

A few things tickled me. The checks themselves, drawn off a bank that doesn't exist anymore, Washington Mutual, with the bank's address being in the shopping center a mile from my childhood house which actually closed at that location in about 2001, still have my old Oceanaire address, from which I moved in 2004.

I still have about 110 checks, and they should still be mildly valid, since the account number is still the same...

Another thing that cracked me up was a series of checks, four I believe, written for amounts less than five dollars. There was a $3.40 check written to Cal Poly's campus pizzeria. There was a $3.00 check written to Cuesta College, a community college I attended for a time, and for what I can safely say I'll never remember.

By far the biggest single entity that received my checks, according to the stack, was my friend Tony, who did all the bills for our house on Oceanaire. Every month he'd emerge from his room, a studious air about him, and he'd post what we owed on out little bulletin board. I have a stack a half-inch thick of checks to Tony, 20 in all, that I added up on the lappy's calculator. I'm sure that it's not the total list of checks I gave the man when we lived together, but the total from the stack was $7580.

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