Thursday, December 15, 2011

Quota Met

I didn't want to mention my personal monthly quota in the blog, lest I jinx myself, but seeing as I'm working on it now, it's time to accept it.

Halfway through January I realized that I could hit twenty posts that month, and then I set about trying to make that quota each month. Some months I would stress about it, for no reason it almost always turned out.

Twenty. That was my quota. Now I'm averaging almost 30, and it seems like stressing about twenty is silly, but that's how I am.

I mention this because next year my focus will be more on my fiction, and I'm not sure how much posting I'll be doing...maybe ten a month, just to keep it fresh.

A post about the number of posts a month...maybe I've gone too far.

1 comment:

  1. Bro, you have certainly not gone too far. Your fan base may not be huge, but our love for updates most positively is! Keep up the great track record!
