Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Shooting at the Long Beach Federal Building

The other night was a busy night for the LBPD. First, and probably most astounding, there was a regular old-fashioned shootout at theLB Fed Building. That building takes up the block on Magnolia between Ocean and Broadway, about two- to three-thousand feet from us.

The shooting was in the offices of the ICE, or Immigration and Customs Enforcement. There has always been tension in the ICE department, at least since it was the unholy concoction of two separate ideologies: police work (Customs Agency) and social work (Immigration and Naturalization Service). A supervisor with ties to Customs was giving feedback to an agent with an INS background. I've both given feedback as well as received it. Not always the most pleasant activity, in either direction.

The agent receiving the feedback didn't take kindly to it, and he pulled his service revolver and shot his supervisor six times. A third agent, upon hearing the shots, came running, struggled with the shooter, and eventually shot and killed him.

The supervisor is in stable condition. Guy is shot six times at work, while siting at his desk, and he's okay. Salud.

The shooter is dead, and the rescuing agent, who's name hasn't been released, has been put on leave--per department protocol--and is being hailed a hero.

The same day protesters were on hand to heckle the Chinese VP while he was on a tour of the Port; an airplane was forced down for violating the airspace of Air Force One while Obama was scooting somewhere else; and a gang shooting somewhere up in the forties (numbered streets) claimed a few innocents.

The plane that was forced down to our airport was of course searched by the Secret Service.

They found forty pounds of weed on board. Forty pounds! Ha, what a shitty day to be making your run home; you end up violating Air Force One's air space--and then the jig is up.


All in the same day. Busy day for the LBPD

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