Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One time...

There was that one time that we were abducted by aliens. It was night and the deep blue sky's sparkles lit the bridge we drove on. Around the bend, we cruised down on a cloud to the bottom of the mountain and got out, gazed back up towards the span, itself a black silhouette against the moonless sky.

As we watched the bridge, our necks craning, a gleaming light slowly descended towards us and...wait...no, that was just the night we went to Auburn for Taco Tree.

All the way up to Auburn inside the cloud, smelling kinda loud, up to the corner of Oakwood and High Street (seriously...High St), for some drive-through mass-produced "Mexican" food.

But the aliens...the aliens...

Oh yeah, there was that one time that we were the aliens, invading a social scene where we weren't welcomed as peers, rather gawked at, and that was under normal circumstances.

This time our Colonel Ping had supplied us with electric blue honey; we had better ideas than he did for its use. Later on in the evening, piloting the craft, I can still see the streaking lights from the Others all around, lights speeding by as we stood still.

That evening wasn't a silent night of observation, as was in the plans. It devolved, like every trip to that social scene, with us speaking at those specimens.

Jabbering away at people, so certain of our alien philosophical convictions. We were in our element while being out of this world.

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