Thursday, February 21, 2013

Load Bearing Pen

Recently I've been having some issues with my little lappy. The recharging connection has been acting up, and as I fly solo without the charger plugged in (which I always knew was a bad idea) the battery is holding less and less charge. So, I've found a way to keep the juice flowing:

Yup, that's a load bearing pen. It keeps constant pressure on the recharging connector. It's one of the few ways I'm currently able to keep at it. Which is alright, really. I'm resourceful.

But I have taken a look at the Raspberry Pi. Have any of you guys seen this?

The Raspberry Pi is a $25 board that is, basically, a computer. There are two USB ports, an Ethernet port, a port for power and an HDMI port. There's also a spot to plug in an operating memory chip like a Scandisk. And that's all folks.

If I knew Linux better (um, at all?), I already would've bought one. Here's a link for their website if anyone would like more information.

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