Sunday, July 9, 2017

Mr. Cassius Goes to New York

We returned from a ten day voyage to New York with a teething one-year-old. It was a rousing success I hear. At least that's what everybody was telling us. I'll have to take their word for it.

We stayed with friends and family the entire time, which was awesome and special, but it also timed us out of any full days in the City, where we feel home and wanted to share that feeling with the Boy. We may have pulled it off in our last day before flying home.

Anyway, the posts will come fast and furious in the next week as we prepare to head off on another trip, this time up and down the length of the state of California.

So, as a taste, here's Cass on the Metro North as we barreled into the City for a Yankees game:

1 comment:

  1. well... I sure had fun with my time with the drool mister.... and with his parents...
