Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Studio Plus One

So we finally gave up the bedroom to the Boy:

...and placed the bed into the nook originally planned for the crib:

(The easel was also moved into the room...and the chair was moved around in this room as well.)

This has effectively changed our place into a studio-plus-one apartment.

After we got back from our long trip to New York, we started leaving Cass alone after he went to bed and began sleeping on our foldout sofa bed. I likened it to sleeping on a sheet draped over monkey bars.

The glorious result was that the Boy started sleeping through the night. For the first time ever. All hail leaving the room alone.

I finally convinced Corrie that moving Cass's crib to the nursery nook and expecting him to sleep through the night at this time was unrealistic---due to our loud street and our own needs as working adults---and that right now it would be better if we were able to sleep on our (quite nice) bed out front.

So, like all parents, we adjust...

1 comment:

  1. who knew being a parent could be so demanding :) At least your new room isn't out on the shared patio...
