Sunday, December 16, 2018

Kate's Boys and Disney Villain Names

One day I noticed that my name, Patrick, was something like number 35 on the list of popular boy names in America. Cool, I thought. Number 35 wasn't bad. Then I thought I'd check for my brother, Daniel's, name.

It was something like number 3. Maybe 4, but I'm sure it was top 5.


Then time passes and I forget about it until I was watching Disney's "The Princess and the Frog." I really enjoy the film, and find the villain in the movie to be one of my favorites. The design is so cool, the voice work by Keith David is amazing (loved you in Men at Work!), and his name: Dr. Patrick Facilier:

This reminded me of the very cool villain from Monster's Inc., Randall, which was what Norm was called for a while:

So, that's two of my mom's boys as seen through their Disney-ish villain names. And, sorry Dan, when I find a Disney villain for you, I'll amend this post. For the time being, you'll have to be comforted by the knowledge that your name is way more popular than either of ours.

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