Wednesday, December 19, 2018

:Presenting a New Series: "WILT"

I had an idea: present a new ongoing post series called WILT: What I Learned Today.

Technically this is closer to WILY, or What I Learned Yesterday, but still...

Anyway, the inaugural edition is this:

White men in Long Beach don't ride the bus.

At least, and probably more accurately: White men with steady jobs and graduate degrees don't ride the bus.

My guess is that most men in my position---time off and a car that needs work, so it gets left at the mechanic and the mechanic is currently out of loaners---would just use Uber or Lyft to get home from that mechanic.

Not me, yo, I use the bus. I imagine the cost isn't too much more to use one of the car share deals, but it turns out I'd rather wait for the bus.

Maybe it's the NY in my system that I can't shake, but public transportation is closer to my heart than the new-thing.

In any case, I was the only white person on the bus yesterday morning, and it got me thinking about the different worlds that people most places inhabit.

More on this concept later...

1 comment:

  1. If I ride the bus, or walk or bike to work 3 times a week I can get a minor cash reward.... the bus stop is not far but I'd have to leave at 8 to get to work at 8:45 and then get to the bus stop at 6pm to get home at 6:30... or drive it in 12 minutes.... so far driving has won out... I'd love to try to walk it but currently the knee won't allow that....
