Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Electric Guitars Serenaded Us

Happy New Year, 2019!

"Do you wanna watch a silly, comedy tonight?" Corrie asked last night, New Year's Eve, after 10 sometime. We realized that it wouldn't really be over until a few minutes after midnight, and into 2019, so I set an alarm for 11:59, just to give us a chance to get romantical when the clock struck 12.

The movie we settled on was a Mr. Bean Comes to Hollywood edition, where in his duty as a terrible museum guard he's about to be fired, it turns out the boss's boss loves him, so they send him to LA to oversee the return of Whistler's Mother to an American museum. There's plenty of misunderstandings about his knowledge background in the subject (modern art), and plenty of idiotic absurdities (it is a Mr. Bean program), and it fit the bill.

Corrie got up to go to the bathroom at some point two-thirds of the way through, and my 11:59 alarm went off. We shared a laugh, and before I could decide if I wanted to try to catch the taped-delay falling ball or something more local, across the street someone started shredding an electric guitar.

Blasting into the New Year a lovely rendition of Auld Lang Syne echoed in our apartment and, presumably, all of them in our little vicinity.

We rang in the new year with the musical standard swallowing us whole, and it was like the light fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you.... at 10:30 the fire crackers and Guns started going off... continued until well after the New Year started... Richard and I watched The Meg..... (giant shark movie) then we watched The Ballard of Rusty Scruggs.... a truly unique movie.... not terrible but not great... parts of it was great... other parts OMG what the F**K did I just see..
    your evening sounded almost better.... it was also cold here....
