Friday, June 28, 2019

Day Zero: Long Beach to Roma

The last few days leading up to the flight to Rome were hectic.

Both Corrie and I had our own stuff going on (her-getting one set of drawings ready to go to bid and another set ready to go to the city)(me-administering and grading finals, getting grades in) and together we had non-trip related stuff going on (breaking down the apartment for roach fumigation).

On top of that was trip shenanigans: securing AirBnBs, cars, trips, packing for us and for the Boy, collecting Lola from LAX, and finishing my presentation, which was to be given in less than a week.

All in all we did okay.

Day Zero

As always, with trips of a flying nature, especialy overseas trips, my narratives start with day zero discussions. This is the fuzzy arrival day and what happens-when-you-get-there kind of stuff.

I finished packing the morning we were set to leave, driving Corrie nuts, and she was off to work to finalize a few things. Eventually we got everything packed, everything loaded in my car and it off to our friend's condo where they were going to let us leave it parked in their guest parking area (Thanks Stephan and Julie!).

Note to self: flights over twelve hours with a toddler are too much. Of the flight I have this to say: it was twelve hours of our lives and it ended, and that's that. He slept for about three hours, Corrie for about thirty minutes, and me--nothing. Lola slept plenty.

The taxi from the airport to our apartment cost 50€, and Cass sat between Corrie and Lola in the backseat sans carseat. When in Rome, am I right?

We arrived at the apartment about 6am our body's time, but locally in the hottest part of the afternoon, seemingly. That first day and night was mostly terrible---fitful sleep broken up by Cass's waking and joining us shenanigans, and also his need for food at inopportune times for through-night sleeping.

Wild dreams were had in random minutes of slumber.

The next day was a walkabout day.

Outside our place in the San Giovanni district, inside the old walls:

The view from the kitchen of our Roman apartment, a three-bedroom place:

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