Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Real Life X-File Update

So...the toxicology reports came back on the case that I concerned myself with in the last post.


This woman, the driver who caused the accident that killed a total of eight people, had some stuff going on, you could say.

She had a .19% BAC, more than twice the legal limit of .08%, which seemed to fit with the ten or so ounces of alcohol in her g.i. tract. She had about six ounces of still-undigested vodka in her stomach, actually, that was the sole contents of her stomach (they found an empty plastic handle of vodka in the car, which helps explain the contents in her stomach and tract). She also had elevated levels of THC in her blood, an amount high enough to suggest that the last time she'd smoked pot was about ten to fifteen minutes before she died.

So instead of an X-File, we have a vodka guzzling television executive with a car-full of kids driving outrageously while smoking a doobie. Her vision blurs, she gets in the wrong lane...shit.

I'd imagine to be pounding vodka with a car-full of kids wouldn't be a spontaneous thing, and that it wouldn't be a stretch to suggest she might have been an alcoholic. Blazing a spliff with your son, daughter, and three nieces in the car? Maybe in 1968 in California, but even then they'd throw you in jail for a while if they caught you.

They're calling it murder now, and not referring to it as an "accident" anymore. The husband has been quiet since he received the news, reportedly last Friday.

For those of you who know my stance on fast food, I stand by any recommendation to avoid Mickey-D's. But it seems like a spiked burger or shake was getting ahead of the evidence.

Here's a link for anyone who's interested in reading about it in our local press.

Some of the families of the victims are preparing to sue the woman's family for wrongful death.

1 comment:

  1. The husband says that his wife did not have a drinking problem... he never saw her drink... talk about denial.... even if I could go with his proposed story of "she had a stroke" how can he explain the empty vodka bottle in the car and the contents of said bottle in her stomach???
    This is just a tragic case... I feel for all of the families involved.
