Friday, February 19, 2010

Not sure if I'm Surprised...

I'm sorry, and I hope this is my last post about Joe Stack, The Building Smasher, but I saw an article (I'm sure if I perused various blog sites long enough I'd find this stuff) and had to link to it.

So, Joe Stack is being hailed a hero by anti-government internet bloggers.

Just when I thought that the left and right would come together to condemn this, um, terrorist, (which I'm sure they will) it seems like elements of the left and the right came together to declare this, um, terrorist, a hero.

It seems like some of the things he said will be taken seriously, or more seriously, now that people are declaring him a hero.

Wow...America finally gets to experience first-hand the phrase we usually reserved for the Middle East: One person's terrorist is another's hero.

Is perspective on the menu for Americans?

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