Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Colton Harris-Moore Caught!

I put a post up a while back about the Barefoot Bandit from the Pacific Northwest, a teenager who escaped from juvie without his shoes and kept eluding officials by stealing airplanes, having learned to fly from the Internet. That method of self-instruction is not recommended.

Well, after gaining a widespread following on the Internet in general and Facebook specifically, Colton was apprehended in the Bahamas, after a mysterious plane crash landed on a small island, and then, in an unrelated event, a boat went missing, and then that same boat, once found, happened to be on the same island where Colton Harris-Moore was found. Small world? Seriously, that first report said "unrelated boat theft", and I cracked up. That was before the Bandit was caught, so hindsight and all, but if you were familiar with the modus operandi...

How he made it all the way to the Bahamas? Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. When I saw he had been arrested, I thought, I know this story... but from where... it was you... you told me about him... no clue how he got to the Bahamas but I'm sure he had a great time up till the time they caught up with him...
