Sunday, December 5, 2010

Smirk-Worthy Logos

There are entire corners of the Internet dedicated to bad logos, poorly conceived and/or poorly executed entries, but I have a few I'd like to share.

The first is known as the "One Day Logo", since after they unveiled it it stirred up such loathing in fans that it lasted for just that press conference. I don't need to say anything else:

Here is another one from the football world, one that, according to a website, was actually used for a season in 1975, before switching to the one I remember watching as a kid.

Here is the funniest logo I can remember. It was for some Oriental Society of Brazil (not the exact title of the organization).

1 comment:

  1. the last one could be and what do you see type game as after a bit i could see what they were aiming for... I don't remember the 49's helmet but then i was a rams fan and would not remember the 9er's for anything anyway...
    failed logos you have to wonder what were they thinking... i know my company paid big bucks for a logo i took one look at it and said... hey an exploding school house how neat.... they disagreed...until they went market it and folks told them it looked like an exploding school house or a train coming at you in a tunnel... they then tried to trademark a pencil... not sure what our official logo is anymore... they try not to show me these things...
