Thursday, May 10, 2012

Common Typos

I've been experiencing a new set of common typos lately, common to when I sit down and type at this lappy, and if you follow any one of my blogs you can tell is often enough.

I've been growing this bad habit of having my fingers type faster than maybe they used to, and aren't communicating as well with each other as in the past.

Two words that I'm constantly having to fix are "rememebr" and "histroy". It's that transposing two letters that's been killing me lately, and it happens with a scary frequency. I'd say almost once a sentence, but at least once a paragraph. It's annoying at best.

I think my space bar is also starting to go, since it doesn't seem like it used to...

Also, for some reason my left 'Shift' key is having also acting up. I use that key to capitalize words: I use the left Shift and mostly the right hand to make the capital letter. Often now I get instead no letter instead of a capital letter. Take the title of this post for example. After I typed it in, I went about starting the post, and when I looked back up at it, I saw "ommon Typos". It worked for 'Typos'?

Maybe I hit the space-bar too softly, and the hemispheres of my brain aren't communicating well enough, and that would go a long way to explaining the first two errors, but the Shift key problem has be baffled.

I think one time I'll leave some some of those typos in a post so you can see what it's like raw, before I try to fix it a little.

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