Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dusting Dallas

It looks like they've transported back to 1966 in Dallas, the 9th largest city in America.

They've had a bad outbreak of West Nile virus, the worst seen in the States since it arrived. It's brought along by mosquitoes, and what's the best method for killing large swaths of 'skeeters?

Well, dropping a fine mist of poison from an airplane at 300 feet, of course. Remember, if you live in that neck of the woods, stay inside onthose nights, and if you find yourself outside, shower as soon you can afterwards.

They're not messing around in Texas, which has already seen 17 deaths, 10 in Dallas/Fort Worth alone.

Sometimes the "best" solutions were done away with almost fifty years ago.

I'm sure you've heard all about this, but you can check it out here if you'd like.

1 comment:

  1. West Nile is nothing to mess around with. But then again spraying from the air is a nightmare. I don't know if you remember when San Mateo County sprayed Malathion every Monday and Wednesday night for a few months?
