Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I was thinking of ripping off an idea for St. Paddy's Day. I'm thinking of calling it "The Stations of the Beer Baron". It utilizes great quotes from The Simpsons season 8's episode "Homer vs the Eighteenth Amendment", in which Springfield enacts prohibition and Homer becomes the Beer Baron.

I'm still working out the details, but here're some examples:

"That's funny, I don't feel stupid.":

"Ahh, it's been St. Patrick's Day for hours and I'm still sober.":

"I'm the Prime Minister of Ireland!":

And the last station must obviously be the last shot from the episode:

"To alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."

In the past for St. Patrick's Day posts I explained historical things ('11), talked about my own (fuzzy) memories ('12), and even mentioned in passing about working SXSW ('10).

The Stations of the Beer Baron is a work in progress...

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