Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Pope is an Argentine; I'm Busy on my New Phone

This isn't our best shot from the Vatican, but it does have the least amount of people. That square is packed full today, as the announcement came down that new Pope has been chosen, and he's a white guy from Buenos Aires. I was hoping for one of those fiery black guys from those African countries where they still regularly kill gay people. A black Pope? Sweet. But if it was one of those highly intolerant priests it would reinforce my views on the relevancy of the Catholic institution.

Corrie took that picture while I waited in line to get inside St. Peter's Basilica. That might have been right before or after the last time they picked a new boss-man-for-the-catolicos.

Watching for the smoke's color to change means a great deal, apparently, to a great many people.

Well, for us, our new phones arrived, and like two years ago, we feel like we're entering a new era. Samsung Galaxy II is what they're called, and it turns out that I was the last to know bout them.

So, some wild stuff is going on in an autonomous block in Rome, and it has about as much effect on me as the following comparison does on them over there:

The first is my older phone, and the middle was my first "smart" phone, and the one on the right is the Samsung. Both "smart" phones have the property that their screens are basically the same size as their preceding models.

Oh...and this is the first Pope from the Americas, and he's taken the name Frankie, er, Francis, after Assisi, one of the great reformers. Is that a hint? Maybe they'll finally acknowledge that NOT ALLOWING THEIR MIDDLE MANAGEMENT TO ENGAGE IN SEXUALLY INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS WITH ADULTS MAY BE A BAD IDEA.

1 comment:

  1. I always find it so interesting the ceremony and history that happens with the installing a new Pope. What does it mean to me, nothing, but still it is interesting.

    Cool beans about the phone... I too am thinking about getting a Galaxy phone, Norm and Daniel have them and love them.... so perhaps I will join you all.
