Monday, December 18, 2017

Lagging Hiatus

Things got busy and I lagged. I wanted to get the posts about our Thanksgiving trip all finished up, but sometimes "wants" turn into just that, wants.

Anyway, in the interim, I walked through Little Tokyo in downtown LA and saw LA's finest Shinto Shrine:

That was just over the "famous" 1st St Bridge, connecting one side of the LA River to the main DTLA area. This route is seen in many movies and photo-shoots, mainly due to the iconic shape of the bridge and the skyline beyond, only I was on the wrong side to highlight the arches of the bridge, and only got a picture of the skyline itself:

We got a tree and had the help of our snazzy toddler to decorate:

How you doin'?
Cassius's daycare had a visit from Santa, and we went to that. The Boy was one of the few kiddos that didn't freak the eff out when placed in Santa's lap. He did, though, have the "I'm over this" look he wore during the Thanksgiving Trip when being passed from family member to family member:

In his pajamas due to the late hour of Santa's visit.
Corrie and Cass later went to visit Grandma Kate in Orlando for grandma's office party voyage. They visited the parks, and Cass had his first Disney-place trip:

I even had time to go for a walk and find a nice street mural that I had only seen from the freeway:

We went to a Holiday Party at a friend's place and the host humored the Boy by letting him try on his motorcycle helmet:

Later on that night, Corrie had both Cassius and his little buddy, Ari, in her lap for story time:

Those boys are growing up homies, which is pretty cool.

Now that our extended Winter Break is upon, I should be able to finish these posts up, just in time for newer stuff to get back-burnered...

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting the pictures.... such a cutie pie... and yes, Corrie and I had fun, I hope Cassius did too....
