Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Decemberween 2020

We thought it may snow here in LA; that would have made sense for this year. Instead it was beautiful and blue. Poor us.

Like so many others, we held tight and stayed put. And, like so many others, we spent more time on Zoom, first with my family and then with Corrie's, and since I used the same code, we had a virtual window open to our world for about four hours, a digital portal, a vortex of attention. Or nothing but our own living room during the in-between times.

But the kids look adorable.

On the 24th, we went walkabout once darkness fell so we could examine the light show down the street at the Performing Arts Center (AKA Long Beach Terrace Theater). The tree is SO enormous:

Once we put everything together after the kids went to bed, we stood back and gawked at ourselves: what have we done?

Hot Wheels tracks up the wall; triangle wooden jungle-gym that folds up neatly (with slide/ladder); tiny strider bike for Camille.

For wanting to take it easy with the presents, we had what seemed like an unreasonable number of gifts, but the kids know they're loved by their grandparents and aunties and uncles. And that's priceless.



  1. That's the whole point of being a grandparent.... sheesh...

  2. You did good, don't get me wrong...
