Thursday, October 8, 2009


I finally finished my quest to have read every Thomas Pynchon novel he's written by the end of the year (kind of an arbitrary date I guess) this past Tuesday when I finished Mason & Dixon. I'm sure most of the few people who check this site out don't really care one-way or the other...but the labors paid off.

Now I'm not sure what to read...


  1. I'm glad you finished... it is always with great sadness one finishes a good book, as friends made on the page are gone. When one finds a good author and finishes the series even if not connected book 1 to book 2 it is still sad in a way to finish. As I specialze in pulp garbage I have nothing to offer as a good read.

  2. Well, as I suggest Atla Shrugged, it can be offered up. Not totally, but a sacrafice as any will do...

  3. Atlas Shrugged? I didn't know you liked Ayn Rand, brother...maybe as a sacrifice...maybe as a large collection of outspoken ideologues it could be a good time consumer; not a bad suggestion...
