Monday, October 5, 2009

Mayor Mike Gains a Tough Opponent

I'm sure outside of New York City the mayoral campaign is making for steamy news, right? Mayor Mike Bloomberg, afraid to be too far away from the action, altered the city laws to make it possible for him to run for a third term. In the weeks after 9/11, Rudy Giuliani tried the same thing and was turned back. Look who's joining the fray:

This is an apparent joke, but the idea seems to be hitting home that the people who opposed changing the term limits are finally gaining a voice for their frustrations. Most of the city council were in approval of the altering of the term limits. Once they were changed to allow Mayor Mike another try, most of the prospective candidates didn't want anything to do running, since Bloomberg is a billionaire and has actually done a decent job of running the City.

Well, his first term was spectacular by most accounts, and his second term was rather lazy in that not nearly as much got done. It almost sprang him into contention for the Presidency, and I've read that having ditched his republican party affiliation early last year was seen as a move to possibly run as an Independent (he was originally a democrat, years ago), and once he was passed over by his pal John McCain for the VP pick for some wacky anti-woman woman, he immediately went about trying to drum up support for altering the mayoral term-limit laws.

Everybody need their action, I guess. Click here for the "official" website.

1 comment:

  1. I believe that if Monty Burns gets elected he will make many laws that keep him in power forever, he will withhold the suns rays till you pay him the amounts of money he requires..... It is a great poster however..... I remember at the beginning of Arnold's run in California there were some who wanted to repeal the born in the USA rule so he could run for president.... that went no where....
