Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sequel to an Earlier Knicks-Note

With the NBA playoff finally entering the last round before the finals, I wanted to return for a moment to a post that I wrote last September about watching the New York Knicks regress as a franchise, and about how the entire season would be a preamble in the courtship of LeBron James, the premier player in the Eastern Conference.

The post also touched on New York's crazy media presence, where a story, even if based on rumor and hearsay and gossip, that's deemed important/tawdry enough will be given prime real-estate in the paper. In New York when it's about sports, that means the "back-page". The front-page of the Post and the Daily News are headlines concerned with celebrities or murder or the big news of the day, while the back page is reserved for similar stories from the sports world.

Earlier today I read a recap of the Yankees game last night, and read about A-Rod hitting a grand-slam in seventh inning, which is late in the game, but not like a walk-off slam. I thought I'd check out the Daily News' back-page to see if it was about A-Rod passing Frank Robinson, a Hall of Famer and classy ball-player, on the all time home-run list. Here's today's back-page:

Gossip. Hearsay. Close-friend and former Knick Oakley says his pal will say no...Alex is there, at the top...Rumors are big news and will sell those trashy papers. I did read, rather often, the Daily News, which I deemed far superior to Rupert Murdoch's Post, but they're both trashy.

But here, the Knicks are beloved and a punchline (or punching-bag?).


  1. I thought the Spurs would be the local beloved team or are you speaking of your personal beloved team the Knicks?.... I find it humorous the talk of death for baseball teams in May.. do the writers look at the calendar?? I mean come on guys we still have over half a year left... anything can happen... but then normal doesn't sell papers...

  2. The talk about how many games behind the wild-card playoff position the Yankees were in May was rather ridiculous, but full-time focus on the Yanks is just how it is. As far as anything can happen, check out last year with the Rockies. Once A-Rod came back from his hip surgery, in May, the Yankees had the best record in the majors, but if you go from a month later, the Rockies had a better record than the Yanks, and even qualified for the playoffs after a horrible start that got their manager fired.

    Here the Spurs are NBA religion for basketball fans, and the love of the black and silver is almost as palatable as it if for the damn Dallas Cowboys. I worded that last sentence poorly. I meant, "There, in the NY media..." or "Here, where the situation is the NY media...".
