Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Went to the Dentist...

I still have plans to take pictures from the area of Austin where I work, which is kinda like the Twighlight Zone, and I have a nice critique post on a film Corrie and I just watched with a long discussion of the entire genre in which the movie lives brewing in mi cabeza, and we had Corrie's grandmother over for dinner (in which I made a lamb dish I actually liked), but first I need to talk about my teeth.

(Sigh.) In 1999, I went in to have two wisdom teeth pulled; it was a success. I was scheduled for the next week to have some cavities filled. I returned at the proper time and saw that the dentist's office was shuttered--closed for good--without even a notification. That was weird. When I had some molar pain in 2008 I went in and was told some things that only had to do with the emergency I went for.

Those were my last two visits to the dentist.

I originally was planning to discuss my dental woes in rather explicit detail...well, explicit may be an exaggeration. I've decided to do that on a more personal basis, one-on-one with the folks I talk with on the phone or in person with regularly, and refrain from posting my dirty dental-laundry on the interweb for all (or both) to read.

But, I'll be spending plenty of time and money at my new dentist, believe you me.

Please, do me a favor, and go brush your teeth right now. Don't forget to floss after every meal.

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