Sunday, August 25, 2013

Wedding Dress and the Dunes

For our fifth wedding anniversary, Corrie and I had wanted to pack up our wedding clothes and head out to the desert for some striking photographs---the bright and beautiful sky meeting the lush desert floor mixing with the natural silk and beading on Corrie's dress? It would be fantastic.

But the day came and went, and our plans were affected. Soon, the excursion was shifted to Montana de Oro and a trip to San Luis Obispo, and the weekend shifted later, down to the Fourth of July, which would give us more time.

We made the trip, and alas, while fitting into the clothes wasn't hard, getting the sun to burn through the marine layer was more of a timing issue, one we weren't able to best.

This is one of the better pictures my camera got, and when I find the great pictures Corrie's camera picked up, I'll do something with them:

As we were leaving the dunes and heading back to the car, still in regalia, a husband and wife team passed us with their three-year-old-ish daughter on their way to the dunes. "Congratulations!" the lady said to Corrie.

"Oh thanks," Corrie started, "but we're just out taking pictures for our fifth anniversary."

The mostly invisible wall of anger and resentment was pulled down over the lady's face as she turned and moved away. Corrie and I snickered about it later, as we drove on to a spot with easier access to the eucalyptus groves across the street.

1 comment:

  1. Really the woman thought just the two of you would be a the dunes in wedding clothing no preacher man, no witnesses, no guests... what a silly person.....
