Friday, May 13, 2011

Anyone Notice?

This is a quick post to call attention to an earlier post, the For Rent post.

Did anyone notice the end of that silly fake craigslist-style ad the phone number and names attached to it?

That was my number in the dorms at Cal Poly, and Nate was the name of my roommate.

I was just trying to be cheeky.


  1. I did notice it was a real number and that it looked familiar... but I'm old and I don't have the phone I used to call you from where it was programmed in nor do I have the address book anylonger with that information... I did enjoy that post...

  2. I didn't remember my own number exactly...what I remembered was that all campus numbers were 805-756-XXXX, and if you dialed a campus number from campus, all you needed was to dial 6-XXXX. This meant that people tried to find clever things to tell people their number was, like "6-WEED" or some other stupid thing. Mine, I do remember, was "6-TXAS". "Texas, with no E" got old, and once I realized that no one ever called each other, I stopped even thinking about it.
