Sunday, May 29, 2011

Our First Visitor

We had our first visitor to our Long Beach apartment just recently. Back in elementary school, Corrie's best friend was a little Chicana named Adrianna. They were good friends until Corrie moved across town and switched schools, or maybe they went to different junior highs and high schools.

In any case, they lost touch for almost twenty years, and through the world-shrinking powers of FaceBook, they reconnected during the wane of our time in Austin. The first time they got to really hang out was at our going-away party, and Audrey (the pronunciation of her 'Adri' contraction) had to leave early.

The two young ladies got along as if they'd never lost touch, and had such a good time during the brief visit that Audrey decided to come visit once we got settled. I'd be lying if I said that she was the only person to say this, but she's been the only Austinite so far to make it.

During her visit we rented bikes and rode around Long Beach, quite a nice way to spend a beautiful afternoon. Later she and Corrie took the train to Hollywood and saw some sights before coming back and hitting up a launch party for a local Long Beach retail boutique. It was the annual Long Beach Pride weekend, so the themes were colorful and fabulous.

The three of us even went to see Bridesmaids. I recommend it. It has a laughs-per-minute score that rivals some of Mel Brooks' best material, but in a thoughtful and intelligent setting, coming organically out of the scenarios, a feat not usually accomplished in cinema these days.

Here are some pictures from the bike ride and a quick jaunt up to Signal Hill, a subject for a separate post rather soon.

Thanks Audrey for coming out! I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as we did.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how some friends click instantly and you can pick up after a time span and continue. I love the picture of the Mermaids...
