Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Haircut in the LBC

Sort of a sequel to my "Haircut in the Stuy" post (now available for quick view as an "Essential" post). I went to a barber for the first time since that trip in November of '09. Corrie's been cutting it in the time being between then and today. I had my haircut by my new barber, Terah, quite the skilled young man. During the cut he got a call about an apartment, which was exciting. He's struggling like so many folks, but not with the sheers or straight razor.

Yup, I got my first, and probably last, straight razor shave (maybe for Dan's wedding I'll consider it, since it's close). The straight razor shave is an experience that guys as hairy as me should probably do every once in a while (Corrie'll love it), but an always type thing is a little taxing on my skin.

My hair, as evidenced by this picture from last night's WNBA game, had gotten somewhat out of control.

Terah did a good job of dealing with the curls, and trying to style it somehow. I'm not sure how long he's been at it, cutting hair that is, because it comes naturally to him.

Being a "barber" is more than just cutting hair, of course. A barber is like an old friend or local bartender buddy; chatting, giving advice, listening to petty bitching...playing an important role in the community.

Here's the new cut, from my lappy's camera:

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Posting from phone is challenging for me.... sorry will answer other post tomorrow
